Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os
import re
import time
from threading import Lock
from threading import Thread

import requests
import telepot

from . import helper
from .helper import download_file
from .helper import pprint_json
from .client import MatrigramClient

BOT_BASE_URL = '{token}/{path}'
BOT_FILE_URL = '{token}/{file_path}'
logger = logging.getLogger('matrigram')


def logged_in(func):
    def func_wrapper(self, msg, *args):
        chat_id = msg['chat']['id']
        client = self._get_client(chat_id)
        if client is None:
                             'You are not logged in. Login to start with /login username password')
        func(self, msg, *args)

    return func_wrapper

def focused(func):
    def func_wrapper(self, msg, *args):
        chat_id = msg['chat']['id']
        client = self._get_client(chat_id)
        if not client.get_rooms_aliases():
            self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You are not in any room. Type /join #room to join one.')
        if not client.have_focus_room():
            self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You don\'t have a room in focus. Type /focus to choose one.')
        func(self, msg, *args)

    return func_wrapper

[docs]class MatrigramBot(telepot.Bot): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): config = kwargs.pop('config') super(MatrigramBot, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) routes = [ (r'^/login (?P<username>\S+) (?P<password>\S+)$', self.login), (r'^/logout$', self.logout), (r'^/join\s(?P<room_name>[^$]+)$', self.join_room), (r'^/leave$', self.leave_room), (r'^/discover$', self.discover_rooms), (r'^/focus$', self.change_focus_room), (r'^/status$', self.status), (r'^/members$', self.get_members), (r'^/create_room (?P<room_name>[\S]+)(?P<invitees>\s.*\S)*$', self.create_room), (r'^/setname\s(?P<matrix_name>[^$]+)$', self.set_name), (r'^/me (?P<text>[^/].*)$', self.emote), (r'^(?P<text>[^/].*)$', self.forward_message_to_mc), ] callback_query_routes = [ (r'^LEAVE (?P<room>\S+)$', self.do_leave), (r'^FOCUS (?P<room>\S+)$', self.do_change_focus), (r'^JOIN (?P<room>\S+)$', self.do_join), (r'^NOP$', self.do_nop), ] self.routes = [(re.compile(pattern), callback) for pattern, callback in routes] self.callback_query_routes = [(re.compile(pattern), callback) for pattern, callback in callback_query_routes] self.content_type_routes = { 'text': self.on_text_message, 'photo': self.forward_photo_to_mc, 'voice': self.forward_voice_to_mc, 'video': self.forward_video_to_mc, 'document': self.forward_gif_to_mc, } # users map telegram_id -> client self.users = {} self.config = config self.users_lock = Lock() # self.users lock for typing related matters
[docs] def on_chat_message(self, msg): """Main entry point. This function is our main entry point to the bot. Messages will be routed according to their content type. Args: msg: The message object received from telegram user. """ content_type, _, _ = telepot.glance(msg) logger.debug('content type: %s', content_type) self.content_type_routes[content_type](msg)
[docs] def on_callback_query(self, msg): """Handle callback queries. Route queries using ``self.callback_query_routes``. Args: msg: The message object received from telegram user. """ data = msg['data'] for route, callback in self.callback_query_routes: match = route.match(data) if match: callback_thread = Thread(target=callback, args=(msg, match)) callback_thread.start() break
[docs] def on_text_message(self, msg): """Handle text messages. Route text messages using ``self.routes``. Args: msg: The message object received from telegram user. """ text = msg['text'].encode('utf-8') for route, callback in self.routes: match = route.match(text) if match: callback_thread = Thread(target=callback, args=(msg, match)) callback_thread.start() # wait for login thread to finish before moving on if callback == self.login: callback_thread.join() break
[docs] def login(self, msg, match): """Perform login. Args: msg: The message object received from telegram user. match: Match object containing extracted data. """ username ='username') password ='password') chat_id = msg['chat']['id']'telegram user %s, login to %s', chat_id, username) self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') client = MatrigramClient(self.config['server'], self, username) login_bool, login_message = client.login(username, password) if login_bool: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Logged in as {}'.format(username)) self.users[chat_id] = { 'client': client, 'typing_thread': None, 'should_type': False, } rooms = client.get_rooms_aliases() logger.debug("rooms are: %s", rooms) if rooms: room_aliases = '\n'.join([room_alias[0] for room_alias in rooms.values()]) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You are currently in rooms:\n{}'.format(room_aliases)) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You are now participating in: {}'.format( client.get_focus_room_alias())) logger.debug('%s user state:\n%s', chat_id, self.users[chat_id]) else: self.sendMessage(chat_id, login_message)
@logged_in def logout(self, msg, _): """Perform logout. Args: msg: The message object received from telegram user. """ chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id)'logout %s', chat_id) client.logout() self.users[chat_id]['client'] = None @logged_in def join_room(self, msg, match): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) room_name ='room_name') ret = client.join_room(room_name) if not ret: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Can\'t join room') else: self.sendMessage(chat_id, "Joined {}".format(room_name)) @logged_in def leave_room(self, msg, _): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) rooms = [room[0] for dummy_room_id, room in client.get_rooms_aliases().items()] if not rooms: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Nothing to leave...') return opts = [{'text': room, 'callback_data': 'LEAVE {}'.format(room)} for room in rooms] keyboard = { 'inline_keyboard': [chunk for chunk in helper.chunks(opts, OPTS_IN_ROW)] } self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Choose a room to leave:', reply_markup=keyboard) def do_leave(self, msg, match): query_id, _, _ = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') chat_id = msg['message']['chat']['id'] room_name ='room') client = self._get_client(chat_id) prev_focus_room = client.get_focus_room_alias() client.leave_room(room_name) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Left {}'.format(room_name)) curr_focus_room = client.get_focus_room_alias() if curr_focus_room != prev_focus_room and curr_focus_room is not None: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You are now participating in: {}'.format( client.get_focus_room_alias())) self.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, 'Done!') @logged_in def change_focus_room(self, msg, _): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) rooms = [room[0] for dummy_room_id, room in client.get_rooms_aliases().items()] if not rooms or len(rooms) == 0: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You need to be at least in one room to use this command.') return opts = [{'text': room, 'callback_data': 'FOCUS {}'.format(room)} for room in rooms] keyboard = { 'inline_keyboard': [chunk for chunk in helper.chunks(opts, OPTS_IN_ROW)] } self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Choose a room to focus:', reply_markup=keyboard) def do_change_focus(self, msg, match): query_id, _, _ = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') chat_id = msg['message']['chat']['id'] room_name ='room') self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') client = self._get_client(chat_id) client.set_focus_room(room_name) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You are now participating in {}'.format(room_name)) self.sendMessage(chat_id, '{} Room history:'.format(room_name)) client.backfill_previous_messages() self.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, 'Done!') def do_join(self, msg, match): query_id, _, _ = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') chat_id = msg['message']['chat']['id'] room_name ='room') self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') client = self._get_client(chat_id) ret = client.join_room(room_name) if not ret: self.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, 'Can\'t join room') else: self.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, 'Joined {}'.format(room_name)) def do_nop(self, msg, _): query_id, _, _ = telepot.glance(msg, flavor='callback_query') chat_id = msg['message']['chat']['id'] self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') self.answerCallbackQuery(query_id, 'OK Boss!') @logged_in def status(self, msg, _): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') client = self._get_client(chat_id) focus_room = client.get_focus_room_alias() joined_rooms = client.get_rooms_aliases() joined_rooms_list = [val[0] for dummy_room_id, val in joined_rooms.items()] message = '''Status: Focused room: {} Joined rooms: {}'''.format(focus_room, helper.list_to_nice_str(joined_rooms_list)) self.sendMessage(chat_id, message) @logged_in @focused def get_members(self, msg, _): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) l = client.get_members() # TODO: we need to think how we avoid too long messages, for now send 10 elements self.sendMessage(chat_id, helper.list_to_nice_str(l[0:10])) @logged_in def discover_rooms(self, msg, _): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) rooms = client.discover_rooms() self.sendMessage(chat_id, helper.list_to_nice_lines(rooms)) @logged_in def create_room(self, msg, match): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) room_alias ='room_name') invitees ='invitees') invitees = invitees.split() if invitees else None room_id, actual_alias = client.create_room(room_alias, is_public=True, invitees=invitees) if room_id: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Created room {} with room id {}'.format(actual_alias, room_id)) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Invitees for the rooms are {}'.format( helper.list_to_nice_str(invitees))) else: self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Could not create room') @logged_in @focused def forward_message_to_mc(self, msg, match): text ='text') chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] from_user = msg['from'].get('username') if from_user and chat_id < 0: text = '{}: {}'.format(from_user, text) client = self._get_client(chat_id) client.send_message(text) @logged_in @focused def forward_photo_to_mc(self, msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) logger.debug(pprint_json(msg)) file_id = msg['photo'][-1]['file_id'] file_obj = self.getFile(file_id) file_path = file_obj['file_path'] file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] link = BOT_FILE_URL.format(token=self._token, file_path=file_path) download_file(link, os.path.join(self.config['media_dir'], file_name)) client.send_photo(os.path.join(self.config['media_dir'], file_name)) @logged_in @focused def forward_voice_to_mc(self, msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) file_id = msg['voice']['file_id'] file = self.getFile(file_id) file_path = file['file_path'] file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] link = BOT_FILE_URL.format(token=self._token, file_path=file_path) path = os.path.join(self.config['media_dir'], file_name) download_file(link, path) client.send_voice(path) @logged_in @focused def forward_video_to_mc(self, msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) file_id = msg['video']['file_id'] file = self.getFile(file_id) file_path = file['file_path'] file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] link = BOT_FILE_URL.format(token=self._token, file_path=file_path) path = os.path.join(self.config['media_dir'], file_name) download_file(link, path) client.send_video(path) # gifs are mp4 in telegram @logged_in @focused def forward_gif_to_mc(self, msg): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) file_id = msg['document']['file_id'] file = self.getFile(file_id) file_path = file['file_path'] file_name = os.path.split(file_path)[1] link = BOT_FILE_URL.format(token=self._token, file_path=file_path) path = os.path.join(self.config['media_dir'], file_name) download_file(link, path) client.send_video(path)
[docs] def send_message(self, sender, msg, client): """Send message to telegram user. Args: sender (str): Name of the sender. msg (str): Text message. client (MatrigramClient): The client the message is originated in. Returns: """ chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') self.sendMessage(chat_id, "{}: {}".format(sender, msg))
def send_emote(self, sender, msg, client): chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') self.sendMessage(chat_id, '* {} {}'.format(sender, msg)) def send_topic(self, sender, topic, client): chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') self.sendMessage(chat_id, "{} changed topic to: \"{}\"".format(sender, topic)) def send_kick(self, room, client):'got kicked from %s', room) chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You got kicked from {}'.format(room)) client.set_focus_room(None) @logged_in def set_name(self, msg, match): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) name ='matrix_name') client.set_name(name) self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Set matrix display name to: {}'.format(name)) @logged_in @focused def emote(self, msg, match): chat_id = msg['chat']['id'] client = self._get_client(chat_id) body ='text') client.emote(body) def send_invite(self, client, room):'join room %s?', room) chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return keyboard = { 'inline_keyboard': [ [ { 'text': 'Yes', 'callback_data': 'JOIN {}'.format(room), }, { 'text': 'No', 'callback_data': 'NOP', } ] ] } self.sendMessage(chat_id, 'You have been invited to room {}, accept?'.format(room), reply_markup=keyboard) # temporary fixes are permanent, lets do it the hard way def _workaround_sendPhoto(self, sender, path, chat_id): payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'caption': sender, } files = { 'photo': open(path, 'rb') } base_url = BOT_BASE_URL.format(token=self._token, path='sendPhoto'), params=payload, files=files) def _workaround_sendAudio(self, sender, path, chat_id): payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'caption': sender, } files = { 'audio': open(path, 'rb') } base_url = BOT_BASE_URL.format(token=self._token, path='sendAudio'), params=payload, files=files) def _workaround_sendVideo(self, sender, path, chat_id): payload = { 'chat_id': chat_id, 'caption': sender, } files = { 'video': open(path, 'rb') } base_url = BOT_BASE_URL.format(token=self._token, path='sendVideo'), params=payload, files=files) def send_photo(self, sender, path, client):'path = %s', path) chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_photo') self._workaround_sendPhoto(sender, path, chat_id) # self.sendPhoto(chat_id, open(path, 'rb')) def send_voice(self, sender, path, client):'path = %s', path) chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_audio') self._workaround_sendAudio(sender, path, chat_id) def send_video(self, sender, path, client):'path = %s', path) chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) if not chat_id: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'upload_video') self._workaround_sendVideo(sender, path, chat_id) def relay_typing(self, chat_id): while True: with self.users_lock: if not self.users[chat_id]['should_type']: return self.sendChatAction(chat_id, 'typing') time.sleep(2) def start_typing_thread(self, client): chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) with self.users_lock: if self.users[chat_id]['typing_thread']: return typing_thread = Thread(target=self.relay_typing, args=(chat_id,)) self.users[chat_id]['should_type'] = True typing_thread.start() self.users[chat_id]['typing_thread'] = typing_thread def stop_typing_thread(self, client): chat_id = self._get_chat_id(client) with self.users_lock: if not self.users[chat_id]['typing_thread']: return typing_thread = self.users[chat_id]['typing_thread'] self.users[chat_id]['should_type'] = False typing_thread.join() with self.users_lock: self.users[chat_id]['typing_thread'] = None
[docs] def _get_client(self, chat_id): """Get matrigram client. Args: chat_id: Telegram user id. Returns: MatrigramClient: The client associated to the telegram user with `chat_id`. """ try: return self.users[chat_id]['client'] except KeyError: logger.error('chat_id doesnt exist?') return None
[docs] def _get_chat_id(self, client): """Get telegram id associated with client. Args: client (MatrigramClient): The client to be queried. Returns: str: The `chat_id` associated to the client. """ for chat_id, user in self.users.items(): if user['client'] == client: return chat_id logger.error('client without user?') return None